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      2. 澳大利亞漢學家:澳中關系出現積極信號丨世界觀

        發布時間:2023年09月08日 19:36     來源:中國新聞網

          澳大利亞著名漢學家馬克林(Colin Mackerras)近日接受中新網專訪時表示,澳中高層互訪為澳中兩國關系釋放積極信號,未來澳中兩國會在紅酒等領域加大貿易往來。此外,馬克林對澳中兩國人文交流方面充滿希望,稱未來會有更多學生交換,澳大利亞也有望迎來更多中國游客。(彭大偉 陳天浩)

          Australian sinologist Colin Mackerras said in an exclusive interview with China News Network that communication between senior officials from Australia and China has released positive signals. He believes there will be more trade between the two countries in fields such as  the wine industry.In addition, Mackerras thinks people-to-people exchange will get much better, and hopes that there will be more student exchanges between China and Australia. Besides, he reckons that tourists from China will come back to Australia again.


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