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      2. 歐盟官員展望2025歐中建交50周年:期待綠色合作再上臺階丨世界觀

        發布時間:2024年12月29日 15:47     來源:中國新聞網

          2025年是歐盟與中國建交50周年,也是《巴黎協定》達成十周年。新年即將到來之際,歐盟駐華代表團氣候行動與環境事務一等參贊駱浩君(Laurent Bardon)接受中新網專訪時表示,希望歐中在新的一年里繼續推進雙邊綠色合作,誠摯祝賀中國人民新年快樂。(林卓瑋)

          The year 2025 marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the European Union and China, as well as the tenth anniversary of the Paris Agreement.

          In an exclusive interview with China News Network, Lauren Bardon, the first counselor for climate action and environment at the EU Delegation to China, expressed his hopes for the upcoming year. He looks forward to closer bilateral cooperation between the EU and China in the fight against climate change. And he wishes all the people of China a wonderful New Year. (Lin Zhuowei)


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