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      2. 馬來西亞學者:中馬學術合作助力人才培養 共促區域發展|世界觀

        發布時間:2024年10月31日 09:15     來源:中國新聞網

          近日,來華參加交流學習的馬來西亞拉曼大學創意產業學院大眾傳播系主任李知鍏(Kenneth Lee Tze Wui)接受中新網記者采訪時指出,在高科技領域,馬來西亞可以向中國學習,尤其應注重人才培養和技術經驗轉移。他提到,2023年,拉曼大學便多次收到中國大學院校邀約的學術研討會。李知鍏引用“授人以魚不如授人以漁”的諺語,高度贊賞中國通過與周邊國家開展學術合作,在全球范圍內積極推動知識轉移。(趙麗 張東方)

          Malaysia can learn from China in high-tech fields, not only by acquiring technological equipment but also by focusing on talent development and technology transfer, said Kenneth Lee Tze Wui, head of the Department of Mass Communication at the Faculty of Creative Industries, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) in Malaysia, during an exclusive interview with China News Network. 

          Lee mentioned that last year, UTAR received multiple invitations from Chinese universities for academic symposiums. He praised the Chinese government's efforts in promoting global knowledge transfer through academic cooperation with neighboring countries, citing the proverb, "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."


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