發布時間:2024年09月05日 14:22 來源:中國新聞網
2024年中非合作論壇峰會9月4日至6日在北京舉行,受到國際學界關注。此際,肯尼亞智庫中非政策中心研究主任劉易斯·恩迪舒(Lewis Ndichu)在接受中新網采訪時稱,一些西方國家在國際上散布“中國債務陷阱論”,是一種政治操縱,為了擾亂中非關系。
此外,恩迪舒稱,中國可以在農作物生產和再加工方面、存儲和冷藏技術上的創新方面,同非洲開展更多合作,幫助非洲國家實現綠色科技目標。(記者 陳天浩)
The 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) is being held in Beijing. China News Network had an interview with Lewis Ndichu, research director at the Centre for China-Africa Policy (CCAP). Ndichu believes that the narrative of China's "debt trap" is made by Western countries to confuse China-African relations and spearhead political maneuvers. Ndichu also notes that the Belt and Road Initiative is rhymed in the African Union Agenda 2063 for development.
Besides, Ndichu says Africa has a vision and a development path with China. China can cooperate with Africa in crop production and reprocessing, and innovations in storage and refrigeration, therefore helping African countries achieve their green technology. (Chen Tianhao)